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Writer's pictureSrimanju Katragadda

✨2020 Akashic Energy Report - 05th June Friday Full Moon + Free Distance healing.

Thank you all for joining the It was a truly beautiful overwhelming experience with all the love I got from each one of you.

Welcome to Experience Healing

Hi Beautiful Souls, Akashic Energy Report this Full Moon 05th June 2020

Family of light

This Full I am told to share this Crystal Grid and no other messages. Just sit with this image either in your meditation or in a relaxed state and be intuitive to receive the message you are meant to. 

Card Message

Here is the card I picked for us all from the " Lightworker Oracle deck - by Alana Fairchild". This card goes well with the theme the masters from Akashic realms have picked up. There is no coincidence but only a reassurance.

Please keep me informed on how you get on with the healings and reading you are receiving so far. This will be valuable for me to share the knowledge and know the guidance is being valued. Love to hear back how you resonate with the messages.

17 Family of Light

The limits that much of jumanity place upon their love - that they will love thier own family, country, religion, or community better than they love those on the outside - do not restrain your heart. You are capable of loving humanity, of loving al creation on Earth, as an extended spiritual family. You will love all as your own. You are meant to belong to a broader family of light.  Invocation I choose, of my own free will, to receive all assistance from unconditional love so i can peacefully process any unresolved hurt, rejection, abandonment, judgement or betrayal.  I have learned how to love more unconditionally through my experiences, I have learned that love allows all beings to freely choose how they wish to live. I wish to live with openness, love and connection, in spirit and in the flesh, with those who can accept my love and love me, too. Through divine grace, I ask for assistance in attracting my soul tribe and family of light, heavenly and human, that I may experience belonging and consious community, sharing my light and love with others. Through unconditional love, may all beings feel the blessings of true family, of deep abiding divine love. So be it.

If you would like to pass the mail here is the Link to Enrol Sending you all distance healing on this beautiful day  Intellectual Property: Please do not reproduce or distribute any materials from this mail without prior consent. Please keep me informed on how you get on with the healings and reading you are receiving so far. This will be valuable for me to share the knowledge and know the guidance is being valued.

If these messages resonate and would like to find out about your soul reading check here We have a Whatsapp group to keep you posted on tools and techniques for the healing journey that we all g through. Also, keep you posted on the latest events and offers. If interested, please join via this link –

Namasté & Angel Blessings

Srimanju Katragadda Mobile: Call/Text / WhatsApp  +1 425 697 0988 Message or Whatsapp +353-868502689

Spiritual Awakening

Currently, I am offering the below  Treatments, Classes, and Workshops including online sessions as well,

  • Mind – Mindfulness and Meditation

  • Body – Reiki, Seichem, Pranic Healing

  • Soul – Akashic Records reading and Angel card reading

I believe in Healing comes through many channels, and we need to be open to receive it in the way it works for us. Are you ready to take on a new challenge and experience the magic in your life? Looking forward to the new beginning and raising the energy levels for what is coming my way…. Life is Magic.


We have a Whatsapp group to keep you posted on tools and techniques for the healing journey that we all g through. Also, keep you posted on the latest events and offers. If interested, please join via this link – If you would like to receive on a regular basis every full moon and new moon with Free akashic realm messages here is the link to Subscribe -

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*|Experience Healing, Woodinville, 98072 USA|*

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