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11:11 Alignment and Manifestation Meditation

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Remember you're a powerful, divine being. You have the ability to create anything you want in your life. But sometimes you feel like there's something blocking you—maybe it's feeling stuck or not knowing what to do next. Or maybe it feels like nothing is working out the way you want it to. I believe that we all have the power within us to create our lives exactly as we want them to be. And I know that when we're aligned with our highest selves, the Universe conspires on our behalf. But sometimes things happen in our lives that can make us question whether we have any power at all—and that's where I come in! Sharing the Blog from 2020 Are you ready to reclaim your power and manifest the life of your dreams? 11:11 Alignment & Manifestation is an hour-long workshop that will help you align with the energy of 11:11, a time that's said to bring new beginnings, expansion, and change to all who experience it. In this workshop, you'll learn how to connect with the Universe Within—your own source of divine guidance—and use it to manifest your deepest desires in each area of your life This event is perfect for anyone who wants to take charge of their own life and experience a deeper sense of self-love. I'll share tools how to reclaim your power for personal expansion and awakening the Universe Within. We'll work together on creating an alignment practice that works for YOU—one that helps you align with your higherself everyday

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